KPI Services

Use of Key Performance Indicators For Your Business Sucess

  • Implementation of a Key Performance Indicator can help a company monitor their performance and identify where changes need to be made. These metrics are primarily aligned to business objectives, targets or goals and track how well an organisation manages against these measurements.
  • If you are looking for a service to help you make sense of your company’s KPIs, don’t look any further! Whiz Consulting can use our years of expertise and knowledge to gain a deep understanding of your business and the issues it has. We will use this to accurately trade in detailed reports that will resolve many problems in your company.

Objectives of KPI Report:-

Monitor Company Health

Measure Progress

Analyse Patterns Over Time

Solve the Problems or Tackle Opportunities

Make Adjustments & Stay on Track

Process of Establishing your KPI report

  • Define company vision and goals
  • Break down company goals into Key Performance Questions
  • Select KPIs answering Key Performance Questions
  • For each KPI, set the target for evaluating each KPI performance
  • Select date sources for KPIs
  • Produce KPI report measuring actual performance Vs targeted goals
  • Identify the reason for variance between the actual performance and targeted goals

KPI reports which are crucial in understanding your business performance:

Financial Performance Review Report:

Reports which shows the following financial metrics-
  • Gross Profit Margin Percentage
  • Operating Profit Margin Percentage
  • Operating Expenses Ratios
  • Net Profit Margin Percentage

Financial Business Operational Efficiency Report:

Reports which shows the following operational efficiency metrics-
  • Inventory Holding period
  • Debtors Collection Period
  • Vendors Payable Period
  • Cash Conversion Cycle
  • Working Capital Turnover

Sales Performance Review Report:

Reports which shows thefollowing sales metrics-
  • Sales Growth
  • Sales Target
  • Average Revenue Per Unit
  • Customer Acquisition cost
  • Customer Lifetime Value

Sales conversion review Report:

Reports which shows the following sales metrics-
  • Lead-to-Opportunity Ratio
  • Opportunity-to-Win Ratio
  • Lead Conversion Rate

How KPI Reports are Beneficial:

Some of the industries where we are consulting on developing KPIs reports:

  • Mehasa Consulting provides KPI services that help identify business strengths and weaknesses and help concentrate on business processes. With an understanding, we relieve the tensions of your industry-specific KPI reporting service. Although every industry has different KPIs, Whiz Consulting’s KPI services can cater to aggregated reports for every industry. We are transparent with our reporting businesses can track progress and stay competitive in their respective industries.

KPIs for a Retail Store

KPIs for Health Care Business

KPIs for Home Care Business

KPIs for an E-commerce Operator

KPIs for a Real estate Business

KPIs for a Software Company

KPIs for Call Centre Business

KPIs for Consulting Business

KPIs for Media & Marketing

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is a KPI report?

2. What makes a KPI effective?

3. Can KPIs be customised?